2004 National Drug Control Strategy - published 2004 An outline of the nation's drug control strategy for the next decade. Includes historical data on national drug control funding and administration.
360 Degrees: Perspectives on the U.S. Criminal Justice System
3 Strikes You're Out - 10 Years after their Enactment
ABC's for Children in a Rwandan Jail
ABC News Death Row - Reckoning the Death Penalty
The Abolitionist Action Committee
The Abolishment Movement - We are an educational web site concerned with Capital Punishment
ABUSE OF WOMEN IN CUSTODY: Sexual Misconduct and Shackling of Pregnant Women
Access To Justice Network (Canada)
Access to Justice (Washington State Bar Association)
Access Washington Resource Directory
Accommodation of Inmate's Religious Practices
A Cell Without Bars An excellent Resource Page
ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) (See Also American Civil Liberties Union)
ACLU Anti-Death Penalty Campaign
ACLU Prisoner's Rights Fact Sheets
Action America - The Drug War Illusion
Action Committee for Women In Prison Working to bring fairness and equity into the criminal justice system and to shift the focus to treatment and restorative justice. We educate the public, develop new legislation, implement new programs, and build resources for incarcerated women. Advocates for the humane and compassionate treatment of all incarcerated women everywhere. We work for the release of all women who pose no danger to society, including those who are unjustly imprisoned. We strive to eliminate the over-reliance on incarceration, and to develop sane and sensible alternatives to imprisonment.
Action for Justice and the Campaign for a Fair Hearing
Action for Prisoner's Families
ACT UP: Aids Coalition to Unleash Power
Adoptees and Birthdparents for Open Records Nationwide
Adult Probation and Parole Directory
African American and Latino Prison Narratives
African American Resources at the CHS
AFSC - Peace Justice of Western Massachusetts
Aging Behind Bars: "Three Strikes" Seven Years Later
Aglow Women's Prison/Jail Ministry
A.I.C.A.P. inmates' newsletter
Aids Treatment Activists Coalition (See ATAC below) - We are a national coalition of AIDS activists, many living with HIV/AIDS, working together to end the AIDS epidemic by advancing research on HIV/AIDS
AIDS Treatment News - one of the primary treatment resources for community-based organizations and government agencies.
Alameda County Bar Association - California
Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy for Western Washington University
Aleph Institute Serves Jewish prisoners and their families
Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons
Alliance of Incarcerated Canadians/Foreigners in American Prisons (Yahoo Group)
All of Us or None of Us - Working to build unity and a program of action so we can effectively combat the many forms of discrimination that faces 30 million people who are living with felony convictions. A national organizing initiative of prisoners, former prisoners and felons, to combat the many forms of discrimination that we face as the result of felony convictions.
Alternatives to Violence Project - National
Alternative Viewpoints on the Internet
Amachi - Mentoring children of prisoners
American Arbitration Association
American Dog Trainers Network (Includes Prison Dog Training Organizations)
American Bar Association - Criminal Justice Section
American Bar Association - Individual Rights & Responsibilities
American Center for Law and Justice
American Chaplaincy Training School
American Civil Liberties Union See Above under ACLU for various chapters in different states
American Correctional Association
American Correctional Chaplains Association
American Correctional Food Service Association
American Correctional Health Services Association
American Friends Service Committee
American Friends Service Committee Arizona Area Program
American Indian Inmates and Family Support Group
American Indian Prisoners Network
The American Jury Institute/Fully Informed Jury Association
American Probation and Parole Association
American Psychiatric Association page on the insanity defense
American Rehabilitation Ministry
American Youth Policy Forum – Bridging youth policy, practice and research; publishes fact sheets online.
America's New POWs: Faces from the Human Rights and the Drug War Exhibit
Amnesty International Dedicated to freeing prisoners of conscience, gaining fair trials for political prisoners, ending torture, political killings and "disappearances"
Amnesty International Death Penalty Project
Anderson Publishing - Click on Criminal Justice Publications for a searchable catalogue of books. Also offers Ohio Law Online.
Angel on Death Row: The Real Life Cases in Dead Man Walking
Angulimala the Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy Organization
The Annie E. Casey Foundation – dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the U.S
Appellate Courts (Courts of Appeal) - Full Directory
Are Three Strikes Out? (Article on About.com)
Arizona Prison Reform Committee
Arkansas Baptist Jail/Prison Ministries
Armed and Dangerous: Private Police on the March
Art and Humanities in Continuing and Adult Education
The Art of Healing: I'm not OK, when you're not
Artwork Sent from Prisons & Jails
The Asian American Bar Association of the Greater Bay Area (AABA) - provides Asian American attorneys in the San Francisco Bay Area with a vehicle for the unified expression of opinions and positions on matters of concern to all Asian American attorneys.
Assisting Families of Inmates, Inc
Association for Conflict Resolution - Promoting peaceful, effective conflict resolution.
Association of Federal Defense Attorneys (AFDA) - an Internet-based association for criminal defense attorneys, law professors, paralegals, investigators, and all other professionals associated with the field of federal criminal defense litigation
The Association of X-Offenders - a faith-based prison ministry dedicated to breaking the crime cycle one x-offender at a time.
The Association of Jewish Family and Children's Agencies
Association of Professional Chaplains
Association Rupture Anti-Death Penalty, Prisoner rights (education & humane living)
As Young Inmates Adjust, So Do Prisons and Jails to Meet Their Special Needs
ATAC'S Access to Health Care for the Incarcerated - has the goal of increasing access to health care for incarcerated people through strategy coordination, information sharing, training and advocacy for allied individuals, groups and communities.
Attorney General of California
Australian Coalition Against Death Penalty
AZ Prison Reform Committee Arizona families and friends of prisoners working together for better prison conditions
Bar Association of San Francisco
Basic Survival Techniques for Incarceration
Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF) - (California) An association of Lesbians, Gay men, Bi-Sexuals and Transgender Persons in the Field of Law
Bearing the Burden: How Incarceration Weakens Inner-City Communities - Article/Study
Behind Bars: Aging prison population challenges correctional health systems
Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America's Prison Population - (Published January 1998) Found that substance abuse was a factor in the crimes committed by 80 percent of the prison inmates in the United States. The inmates had either violated drug or alcohol laws, were high at the time they committed their crimes, stole to buy drugs, have a history of substance abuse or some combination of factors. Also found that inmates who were substance abusers were the most likely to be repeat offenders.
The Best of the Other Side of the Wall
Bethel Bible Village Residential care agency provides support and ministry to children and youth of families shattered by crime and troubled environments.
The Bethel Teen Court and West Eugene Teen Court - Peer-run courts authorized to pass sentence on first-time juvenile offenders for certain non-violent violations and misdemeanors.
Bethesda Family Services
Foundation Offers an innovative
training program is on relational
healing within the family lives of inmates
Endings - New Beginnings
A Better Way to deal with drugs and crime
The Beverly Hills Bar Association - California
Beyond the Abuse, "Life After" Management Plan
Beyond Reason: The Death Penalty and Offenders with Mental Retardation Human Rights Watch
Beyond the Walls: A Support Group
Biblical America Resistance Fronts
Big Brothers Big Sisters – Making a positive difference in the lives of youth.
Bill Glass Ministries - evangelistic prison ministry. Information, schedules, newsletters, etc.
The Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Inc. (“BWL”) (California)
Blood Cows (One Man's Story)
Blueprints: Violence Prevention Initiative – Description of ten prevention and intervention programs from the Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence
Blueprint for a Prison Project
Bodhi House/Triple Gem Prison Ministries
Breach of Trust: Physician Participation in Executions in the United States
Break the Chains Prison Support - a non-hierarchical collective working toward building an egalitarian society free of prisons. We are committed to the dynamic internal and external process of challenging racism, sexism, classism, and oppression in all its forms. Our focus is on prison issues, including, but not limited to: fighting state repression, prisoner support and prison abolition.
The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
Bringing Family Literacy to Incarcerated Settings: An Instruction Guide
Broken Records: How America's Faulty Background Check System Allows Criminals to Get Guns Published in January 2002 - This report found flaws in the state background checks system.
The Brokenrope Foundation (Native American)
A Broken System: Error Rates in Capital Cases - Published February 2002 Columbia Law School Professor James S. Liebman found there was a serious, reversible error in nearly 7 out of 10 capital cases over 23 years
Brother's Keeper Ministries, Inc
Buddhism Missionary Society Malaysia (B.M.S.M.) Free Publications
The Bureau for At-risk Youth – Providing timely and effective tools and products to help in making critical life choices.
Bureau of Prisons - Surviving Federal Prisons
Business Idea benefits inmates, firms
California Association of Black Lawyers
California Coalition for Battered Women in Prison
California Coalition for Women Prisoners
California Connected An award-winning and innovative public affairs news magazine that looks for stories with creative solutions.
California Correctional Peace Officers Association
The California Criminal Law Observer: Online Resources for Research in Criminal Law
California Incarceration Support Forum
California Law and the Children of Prisoners
California Law Revision Commission
California Legislative Analyst's Office
California Minority Counsel Program (CMCP)
California Secretary of the State
California State Prisoners Denied Access to Media
Californians for a Moratorium on Executions
Californians to Amend Three Strikes
Californians United for Justice
Campaign Against Wrongful Conviction
Campaign for New Drug Policies
Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Camp Evergreen Support programs to remind these children that they have not been forgotten
Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Canadian Correctional Chaplaincy
Canadian Families and Corrections Network A Canadian not for profit organization that encourages the development of policies, practices and programs that enable prisoners and their families to build holistic family and community relations.
Canadian Federal Inmates and their Families Web Site
Capacity For
Justice Washington State Group on health concerned with families going
through the justice system process.
Capital Defender's Toolbox
Capital Punishment 2002 - published November 2003 Presents details about executions and persons under the death sentence as of December 31, 2002
Capital Punishment (Article)
Capital Punishment and the Catholic Church
Carolina Correctional Services
Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
Cashing in on Criminality: Private Prisons, Corporate Power, and the Color of Crime
Catalaw Metaindex of Law and Government
Catholics Against Capital Punishment
CDC Info Network (California Department of Corrections Information Network for families and loved ones)
CDC National Prevention Information Network
Cease Support Enforcement Abuse
The Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
The Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services - increase the understanding and use of community sanctions that are fair, affordable, and consistent with public safety.
The Center for Children of Incarcerated Parents
Center for Community Alternatives
The Center for Court Innovation - A unique public-private partnership that is dedicated to enhancing the performance of courts and those whose work intersects with the courts.
Center for Court Innovation-Problem-Solving Courts - Disseminates ideas about community and problem-solving justice through publications, journal articles and web sites.
- Works with
California prisoners, their families and the community at large, providing
direct support services, health programs, awareness and advocacy.
Center for Gender and Justice
for Medical Ethics and Mediation
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice
Center for Rational Correctional Policy
The Center for Restorative Justice and Peacemaking
for Studies in Criminal Justice - Research institute
that studies the operation of deterrent processes in criminal law, the
relationship of weapons to homicide rates and gun control measures, prisons, and
juvenile and family courts.
Center for Substance Abuse Research - Research
center within the university's College of Behavioral and Social Sciences that
collects, analyzes, and disseminates information about the nature and extent of
substance abuse and related problems in Maryland, and nationally. Also conducts
policy-related research on initiatives to prevent, treat, and control substance
Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) - Research center that works to inform the public of the cost of substance abuse (legal and illegal drugs), and to encourage individuals and institutions to take responsibility in fighting substance abuse.
The Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice
Center on Wrongful Convictions
Central California Appellate Program - a non-profit corporation dedicated to improving the quality of indigent representation in criminal and dependency appeals.
Changing Lives Through Literature: An alternative sentencing program - an alternative sentencing program active in eight states in the United States, with a 13-year record of reducing recidivism.
Changing Public Attitudes Toward the Criminal Justice System
Chaplains (Forum for Prison Chaplains)
The Chaplain Ministry of Aurora Ministries
Chapter 655 - Benefits for Injured Trainees and Inmates
Charles Carbone - Prisoner Rights Lawyer
Chesed Net (Jewish Information)
Chicago Books to Women in Prison - a volunteer collective working to distribute books free of charge to women in prison nationwide. Dedicated to offering women behind bars the opportunity for self-empowerment, education and entertainment that reading provides.
Chicago Legal Advocacy for Incarcerated Mothers - We provide legal services on family law for prisoners in Illinois, law classes for women in Cook County jail, classes on child custody issues for women in IL prisons and Cook County jail, a support group led by and for formerly incarcerated women in Chicago and advocacy on women prisoner issues. Contact: 220 South State Street, Suite 830 * Chicago, IL 60604 * phone 312-675-0911.
Chicano Mexicano Prison Project
Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul
Children of Criminal Offenders & Foster Care
Children of Incarcerated Parents (Report to Oregon Legislature)
Children of Prisoner's Library
Children of Prisoners Training
Children's Defense Fund – Every child deserves a safe start
Child Support Publications (Prisoner/Incarcerated information as well)
Child Welfare League of America - Children With Incarcerated Parents Information and resources
Christian Answers
Contact UK
Christian Inmate Pen pal Connection
Christian Pen Pals' Support Groups for All Families Affected by Incarceration
Church at Prison - teaching Christian living to prisoners. Serving the Department of Corrections of Vermont.
Church of Christ Prison Ministry of Florida - believes that as long as there are prisons, Christians should minister to prisoners.
Citizens for Legal Responsibility
Citizens for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) - SEE CURE below
Citizens for Responsible Legislative Reform
Citizens United for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
CJ Ford Private Investigations
CLAIM Legal aid for women prisoners and their families
The Coalition For The Abolition of Prisons, Inc.
Coalition for Jubilee Clemency
Coalition for Juvenile Justice - A premier national resource on delinquency prevention and juvenile justice issues
Coalition of Prison Evangelists
Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
- Advocacy group that works to reduce the supply of
and the demand for handguns and assault weapons through education programs and
Cold Case Hunters
Collaborative Programs in HIV, STD and Hepatitis Prevention
Colombia Legal Services Provides legal assistance to low-income and special needs people and organizations in Washington State.
The Color of Justice: An Analysis of Juvenile Adult Court Transfers in California
Colorado Prison Moratorium Coalition
Committee for Local Government Accountability
Committee to End Marion Lockdown
Community Based Alternatives Initiative
Community Impact Spokane (Spokane, WA)
The Community Justice Exchange - offers information and assistance to help bring together criminal justice agencies and ordinary citizens to make communities safer.
Concerned Women for
Confined Hope
Conflict Management Techniques – A grade 4-12 lesson plan to help students identify personal management styles and to develop an awareness of strategies used in each conflict management style.
Conflict Resolution Resources Web Site
Conquest Offender Reintegration Ministries
Constitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition
Constructing and Coping With Incarceration and Re-Entry: Perspectives From the Field
Consumer Attorneys of California
Contra Costa County Bar Association - California
Convictions of Innocent Persons
Cornell Law School Supreme Court Rulings
The Coroner’s Report – A collection of resources on gang intervention and prevention.
The Correctional Association of New York
Correctional Education Association
The Correctional Education
Education Connections
Correctional Institutions & Chaplains
The Correctional Officers Guide to Prison Slang
Corrections - Jails and Jail Inmates
Corrections/Forensics Mental Health Links
Correspondence courses for the Incarcerated, from Ohio University
Correspondwithme.com Inmate Personal Ads
Corruptions in Michigan Courts
The Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators
Counsel on Spiritual Practices
Courts: See U.S.
Crime and Punishment: A Non Solution to a Endemic Problem (article)
Crime and Safety in America's Public Schools - published March 2004 Analyzes data from the School Survey on Crime and Safety.
Crime Victims for a Just Society
Criminal Justice Consultant - Former Texas Prison Warden specializing in street & prison gangs, prison conditions and jail conditions and private prisons and jails.
Criminal Justice Coordinating Council
Criminal Justice Forum - Mission: To assist the public to better understand the criminal justice system. To help those involved in the system find the resources they need. To advocate crime prevention and reduce recidivism and to encourage the more effective use of tax dollars and precious resources.
Criminal Justice Ministry Referral Network
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation
Criminal Justice Resources - Juvenile Justice
Criminal Justice Resources - Michigan State Universities
Criminal Victimization, 2002 - published December 2003Annual bulletin presents finding from the National Crime Victimization Survey, based on an ongoing survey of households.
Criminon: Effective Criminal Reform & Crime Prevention
Crisis Resource Directory- Legal (Seattle, WA)
Cry for Justice - Anthony Mungin
Crystal Serenades Publications Ltd
CURE (California) - See also Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants
CURE (Maryland)
CURE National effort to reduce crime by reforming the criminal justice
system. Supports many offender-family issues. Has many state chapters.
CURE-NY New York state chapter of CURE.
CURE (Ohio)
Curfew: An Answer to Juvenile Delinquency and Victimization - published April 1996 Examined seven cities with juvenile curfews and found that juvenile crime has declined significantly in six of the seven. In New Orleans, one of the cities studied, juvenile crime dropped 27 percent the year that city's curfew was implemented.
Custody and Child Access Publications
Cybrary - The World's Criminal Justice Directory
D.C. Employment Justice Center
D.C. Prisoners’ Legal Services Project
Declaration of Life Form A downloadable PDF form you can use to indicate your wishes to prosecutors, family and friends, and others that you do not want them to pursue the death penalty in the event that you die at the hands of another.
Dearest Mom's Home Site - The support site is for moms who have a grown child in the prison system. We welcome new moms all the time and the moms at the site are of great support. Also very caring and no bias opinions...or ask any questions. Just good ol' fashion support and love. This is our third year in operation.
DearestMom Support Group - See above (Dearest Mom's Home Site)
Death Penalty Awareness - A personal MySpace page regarding Death Penalty Awareness
Death Penalty Farley C. Matchett Death Row Texas
Death Penalty Information Center
Death Penalty Information and Resources
Death Penalty: Suggested Readings
The Death Penalty and Why it Should be Outlawed
Death Row Inmates Need Friendship
Death Row Prisoners by State/Country
Debate in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 1997 Debates on Death Penalty
Dedicated to the Families of the Incarcerated
Department of Corrections - Nevada
Designing Programs for Incarcerated and Paroled Obligors
- by Jessica Pearson,
PH.D and Chris
Hardaway, Esq.
Determine Sentence Clearinghouse
Dispute Resolution of Washington State
Diverting Children from a Life of Crime - published June 1996 Estimated that programs that offer cash and incentives for kids to stay in school could reduce crime as much as "three strikes" laws, but at one-fifth the cost.
Does Parole Work? Analyzing the Impact of Post-Prison Supervision on Rearrest Outcomes - Published 2005 The study compares the re-arrest rates of prisoners released to supervision to those released without supervision.
Driving While Black: Racial Profiling on our Nation's Highways (Article by David A. Harris)
Drug Abuse Warning Network Report - published 2003 Annual survey of drug-related visits to hospital emergency rooms and drug-related deaths investigated by medical examiners and coroners. Found that there were an estimated 261 drug-related emergency room visits per 100,0000 people in 2002.
Drug Enforcement Administration - Agency in the U.S. Department of Justice was assigned to enforce controlled-substances laws and regulations.
The Drug Policy Forum of Hawaii
The Drug Policy Forum of Texas
The Drug Reform Coordination Network
Drug Strategies - Nonprofit group dedicated to promoting more effective approaches to the nation's drug problems, and to support private and public initiatives that reduce the demand for drugs through prevention, education, treatment, and law enforcement.
Drug Testing Index - published July 2004 Found
that positive drug tests of American workers slightly increased 4.5 percent in
2003 from 4.4 percent a year earlier.
Drug Use and
Crime - updated 2004 Compilation of justice
statistics on drug-related crime. Of convicted property and drug offenders,
about one in four had committed their crimes to get money for drugs. Some 29
percent of violent crime victims believed their attacker was on drugs.
Eastside Legal Assistance Program (ELAP) Provides civil legal assistance to low income residents of East and Northeast King County. (Washington State)
East Bay United Front to Free Mumia
EBS Jusan Prison Project / Dharma Friends Newsletter
The economics of implementing intensive in-prison sex-offender treatment programs - Article/Research
Educators for Social Responsibility - Fostering children’s ethical and social development.
The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests, and Self-Reports
European Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
Committee for Children of Imprisoned Parents (EUROCHIPS) European-wide
network on behalf of children separated from an imprisoned parent.
X 70 Evangelistic Ministry
The Evolution of Mental Health Standards and Services in Adult Correctional Institutions
Excellent Opportunities: Prison Aftercare
Exodus Ministry - prison ministry to ex-offenders and their families.
ExOffender.org - a comprehensive resource to those working with ex-offenders and their families to successfully reintegrate into society. As well as, to provide an effective way for members of the coalition to communicate with each other.
Exonerations in the US 1989 thru 2003
Exploratory Study of Interstate Compact Policies and Practices
FADS, Families Against Disparate Sentences Family-of-prisoners oriented
group focused on sentencing disparity in Ohio
and Justice Under Peril
Families Against Mandatory Minimum
Family Connections Center Unique partnership between New Hampshire
Department of Corrections, University of New Hampshire (UNH) Family Studies
Department and UNH Cooperative Extension.
and Corrections Network
Families in Crisis, Inc. Connecticut agency helping at-risk children,
offenders and their families
of Loved Ones (FILO) Helping families that have been devastated by
incarceration and to working to reduce generational incarceration
Families Northwest
Outside the Walls
Families to Amend California's Three Strikes
Families With Loved Ones In Prison
Famous statements on the death penalty
Fatherhood Educational Institute
Fatherhood Publications
Fatherless Homes Breed Violence Article
Fathers, Child Support and Prison
Fathers in Prison and Their Children: Visiting Policy Guidelines
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) - Publishes the annual Uniform Crime Report which tracks crime in cities and communities across the country.
The Federal Bureau of Prison Library
Federal Judicial Center The education and research agency for the federal courts.
Federal Prison Policy Project - The mission of Federal Prison Policy Project is to return responsible justice to the judicial system and to seek revision of the current laws by educating the public and examining programs for submission to officials and congressional leaders to achieve changes for a fair and just system
Federal Prison: Where Inmates Stay & Convicts Run - A Survival Guide & Reference
Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia
Federal Register
The Federal Resource Center for Children of Prisoners
Fedworld - a gateway to government information.
Felony Sentences in State Courts, 2000 - published June 2003 State courts sentenced 40 percent of convicted felons to a state prison, 28 percent to a local jail, and 32 percent to straight probation with no jail or prison time to serve. Drug offenders were 34.6 percent of felons convicted in state courts in 2000. Guilty pleas accounted for 95 percent of felony convictions in state courts in 2000.
The Fight Against the Texas Parole/Prison System to Serve God
Fight CPS (Child Protective Services) and Win
Fight the Death Penalty in the US
F.F.I.P. (Friends and Family of Incarcerated Persons) - Support Group for Families and Friends of People Incarcerated
FirstGov The official U.S. gateway to all government information, is the catalyst for a growing electronic government.
First Step - Explains the culture of corrections.
First we kill all the 11 year olds
FLIP: Families with Loved Ones In Prison Florida affiliate of C.U.R.E.
Florida Prison
State University - Criminal Justice Links
FOI Resources - A comprehensive guide for activists, journalists and hell-raisers who need assistance finding information
Forfeiture Endangers American Rights
Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministry
Free Battered Women (FBW) A statewide grassroots coalition in California that strives to end the re-victimization of incarcerated survivors of domestic violence as part of the struggle to resist all forms of violence against women. We achieve this through policy work, parole advocacy, media campaigns, grassroots organizing, public education, and legal action.
The Free Child Project: Connecting Young People and Social Change
Freedom of Religion for Everyone Everywhere
Free Legal Assistance in Non-Criminal (Civil matters) in King County Washington State
The Fremont Public Association (FPA) Works to achieve a just and caring community free from poverty, prejudice and neglect (Washington State)
The Fresno County Bar Association (FCBA)
Friends &
Family of Incarcerated Persons - For more information click on the link or
write at: PO Box 27708 Las Vegas, NV 89126 or call at (702) 223-6600
Beyond the Wall
Friends Committee on Washington State Public Policy
Friends Outside
National Organization
Outside Monterey County
Friends til the End: A Pen Pal Service for Inmates Nationwide
FSU Criminal Justice Links
Informed Jury Association
Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey - published November 2000 Found that about 18 percent of women surveyed had been experienced a completed or attempted rape in their lifetime, and more than half of the women who reported being raped were under age 18 when they were first raped.
Fun Things To Do With Your Incarcerated Loved One
Gang and Security Threat Group Awareness
Gang Prevention and Intervention – A study in best practices
Gang Resistance Education and Training – Classroom instruction and community based activities that result in the necessary life-skills to avoid involvement in youth violence and criminal activity.
Gary Mitchum Reeves ... Seeking Justice
Gender Responsive Strategies: Research, Practice, and Guiding Principles for Women Offenders
Georgian's for Alternatives to the Death Penalty
Georgian's for Child Support Reform
Getting Back to Work: Employment Programs for Ex-Offenders
Getting ready for the parole board
Global University’s prison ministry
Gospel Lighthouse Prison Evangelism
Government Agencies on the Web
Grant Me the Serenity - Self-help, Addiction and Recovery
Guideline Economics and Child Support Guidelines
Gun Control in the United States - published April 2000 The study is a comparative survey of firearm laws in the United States.
The Habeas Corpus Resource Center (HCRC) - provides counsel to represent indigent men and women under sentence of death in California. The HCRC's mission is to provide timely, high-quality legal representation for indigent petitioners in death penalty habeas corpus proceedings before the Supreme Court of California and the federal courts.
Harvestime International Network
Hazelden Foundation - Dedicated to helping people recover from substance addiction. Provides residential and outpatient treatment, maintains programs for families affected by chemical dependency, and publishes materials on addiction and recovery issues.
Heart of America Prison Ministries
Hell factories in the field: a prison-industrial complex
Help Absolve Wrongful Conviction NOW
Help Increase the Peace Program
Helping Women Break the Prison Cycle
HEPP News HIV & Hepatitis Education Prison Project
Hispanic National Bar Association
Hitting the Bricks - which describes what services ex-offenders will need during their first 72 hours after release from incarceration
HIV/AIDS in Prison - the need for an effective response to HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and injection drug use in prisons is a significant international concern.
HIV & Hepatitis Education Prison Project
HIV/Hepatitis in Prison Committee - The HIP Committee is part of California Prison Focus, an organization dedicated to ending the torture and abuse of prisoners locked down in Security Housing Units.
Homeboy Industries Assists at-risk and former gang involved youth to become contributing members of our community through a variety of services in response to their multiple needs. Free programs -- including counseling, education, tattoo removal, job training and job placement -- enabling young people to redirect their lives and providing them with hope for their futures.
Hope Aglow - dedicated to reaching prisoners with the message of Christ's love and whose goal is not rehabilitation, but regeneration.
Hope Books A Christian ministry providing free Christian books and bible notes to individual prisoners
Hope House Helping Fathers Be Dads
Hopi - Alcatraz History: The Story of the Indian Inmates
How to Explain Jail and Prison to Children - Oregon DOC Booklet
How to Find Legal Help in Washington State
How to Make Jail Hot Chocolate
How to Protect Yourself Against Corrupt Police Officers
Human Rights and the Drug War
Dedicated to the Prisoners of the Drug War and their families, and to those who
are working to regain their freedom and restore respect for all Human Rights.
Rights & The Drug War
ICOPA (International Conference On Penal Abolition)
Ideas for an Open Society: Repealing Three Strikes
The Illinois Clemency Project for Battered Women
The Impact of Juvenile Curfew Laws in California - published June 1998 Found that introduction and enforcement of curfews did not decrease and in some instances increased juvenile crime rates in four California counties
Incarcerated Fathers and their Children
Incarcerated Fathers: A Research Agenda
The Incarcerated Fathers Library: Resources for Dads Behind Bars and Those Working with Them
Incarcerated Parents and Their Children (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
In Danger of Falling Through the Cracks: Children of Arrested Parents
Independent Studies & Self-paced Studies On-line
InFO Inc. Inmate Families Organization Inc.
Inmate Locator Phone Numbers/Federal and State
The Inmate's Guide to Prison Health Care
InnerChange Freedom Initiative
Innocent in Prison Project International
Innocence Initiative and Defense Project
Innocence Project of Northwest Louisiana
Innocent - Fighting Miscarriages of Justice
Innocent on Death Row in Florida 17 Years - Juan Melendez
Innocent Until Proven Indigent
Inprison Community Bible Study trains qualified volunteers to present ongoing in-depth bible studies to inmates
Inside Art Art by Inmates of HMP
Inside Out Books - for book lovers behind bars which collects new and used paperback books for distribution to inmates at state and federal prisons, offers a book search service and will provide the resources necessary for inmates to form their own book clubs/discussion groups.
Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace - Independent coalition that works to reduce the threat of drug abuse to the business community - both employers and employees. Encourages drug testing and employee assistance programs
The Institute for Policy Studies
Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy
Institute of Criminal Justice - Assists interested states in managing prison populations, educates the public in an effort to reduce political influences on the sentencing process, and helps states to draft sentencing guidelines.
Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior – Research, Instruction and Public Service targeting anti-social behavior, school failure, delinquency, violence, gang membership, and at-risk conditions.
The International Barrister Foundation
The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (ICCLR)
International Centre for Prison Studies
International Conference of Police Chaplains
International Corrections and Prisons Association
International Court of Justice
International Institute for Restorative Practices – Provides education and research in support of the development of restorative practices.
International Network of Prison Ministries
International Prison Chaplain's Association
The International Prisoner Transfer Program
THE INTERSTATE COMPACT HANDBOOK for The Supervision of Parolees and Probationers
Invisible Bars (Family Support Group - forum, chat, email etc)
ISKCON Prison Ministry - Providing books on yoga and meditation free to inmates. Write to: PO Box 158691 Nashville TN 37215-8691 or call (615-403-7566)
for more information.The Islamic Society of North America
I Stand Prison News by Black World Publishing
The Italian American Lawyers Assn. (IALA)
Jail Bird Sings Network Support Group
Jailing the Mentally Ill - Produced by American RadioWorks
Jamaal's Library of Research Studies
Jeff Dicks Medical Coalition Advocating proper medical care for prisoners in
the the United States
Jericho Movement
The Jericho Movement: Bay Area
Jesus Christ Prison Ministries
Jesus is Always Lord Ministries
Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons and Significant Others
Jewish Prisoner Services International
Jews in Prison - provide support before, during, and after incarceration to both the Jewish inmates and their families and friends
Jim Goad's Guide to Northwest Prison Slang
Jobs Partnership Greater Washington
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation – Reexamining the juvenile justice system.
The Journal of Prisoners on Prison
Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation Two main purposes: 1) determine whether civil actions pending in different federal districts involve one or more common questions of fact such that the actions should be transferred to one federal district for coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings; and 2) select the judge or judges and court assigned to conduct such proceedings. The purposes of this transfer or “centralization” process are to avoid duplication of discovery, to prevent inconsistent pretrial rulings, and to conserve the resources of the parties, their counsel and the judiciary. Transferred actions not terminated in the transferee district are remanded to their originating transferor districts by the Panel at or before the conclusion of centralized pretrial proceedings.
Justice Denied The Magazine for the Wrongly Convicted
Justice For All Non-profit support services to California prisoners,
families and attorneys
for James Neal
Justice Information Center (NCJRS)
Justice Now - Our mission is to end violence against women and stop imprisonment by providing legal services and supporting prisoner organizing efforts that promote health and justice; working with prisoners, their families and community members on political education and mobilization campaigns; building coalitions to create safety for women and individual accountability without relying on the punishment system; and training the next generation of activists and lawyers committed to working for social justice.
Justice on Trial: Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System - published May 4, 2000 The study asserts that blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately targeted by police, unfairly victimized by "racially skewed" charging and plea bargaining decisions by prosecutors, given harsher sentences by judges and deeply impacted by "get tough" crime policies enacted by lawmakers.
Justice Policy Institute
- a private non-profit
organization whose mission is to reduce society's reliance on the use of
incarceration as a solution to social problems.
Justice Research and
Statistics Association
Justice Seekers Yahoo Group
Juveniles on Alabama Death Row
Juvenile Correctional Education
The Juvenile Detention Alternative Initiative – building blocks for reform.
Juvenile Forensic Evaluation Resource Center
Juvenile Justice Bulletin – Teen courts: a focus on Research Background.
Juvenile Justice Committee - American Bar Association
Juvenile Justice Division of the Child Welfare League of America - Working to reduce the incidence of juvenile delinquency nationwide and reduce the reliance on incarceration for accused or adjudicated delinquent youth
Juvenile Justice Reform Initiatives in the States 1994-1996 – About the movement toward graduated sanctions.
Juvenile Law Center – Public interest law firm working for the reform and coordination of the child welfare, juvenile justice and public healthcare systems in their delivery of services to children.
Kairos Prison Ministry Brings Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and assists in the transition of becoming a productive citizen
KCBA Drug Policy Project: Task Force on Racial and Class Disparities Washington State - King County
Kentucky Coalition to Abolish
the Death Penalty
Kids Need Moms Program at Florence Crane Women's Correctional Facility in
Coldwater, Michigan provides the incarcerated mother an opportunity to maintain
her parental responsibilities.
King County Law Library Washington State
King County Legal Resources Washington State
King County Office of Civil Rights Washington State
King County Office of Public Defense Washington State
King County Sheriff Washington State
Kingsway Outreach ministers to prisoners, former prisoners, and their families.
Korean American Bar Association of Northern California
Korean American Bar Association of Southern California
Larry Jeffries Views from Prison
Laurie Kellogg - Wrongfully Convicted
Law and Policy Institutions Guide - provides a well-organized point of access for legal and legislative information.
Law Enforcement and Juvenile Crime - published December 2001Using data compiled by the FBI, this bulletin offers a wealth of information on law enforcement and juvenile crime.
The Lawyers' Club of Los Angeles County
The Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law - a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, was formed in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy to involve the private bar in providing legal services to address racial discrimination. The principal mission of the Lawyers' Committee is to secure, through the rule of law, equal justice under law.
The Legal Action Center - the only non-profit law and policy organization in the United States whose sole mission is to fight discrimination against people with histories of addiction, HIV/AIDS, or criminal records, and to advocate for sound public policies in these areas.
Legal Forms at FindLegalForms.com
Legal Foundation of Washington State
Legal History of the Death Penalty in Washington State
Legal Information Institute (LII) - Constitutions, Statutes, and Codes
The Legal Information Institute (LII)
Legal Resources for the Criminal Defense Practitioner
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
Legislative Analyst's Office - California
Libraries and Information Centers
L.I.F.E (The Living Interactive Family Education Program) offers the
children of incarcerated parents the chance to visit with their parents in an
enhanced environment
Life Means Life
Living Praise Ministries - dedicated to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to those in prison
Locked Out (Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Other Resource)
Lock Up (Produced by This American Life) - An hour clip from a radio show for prisoners and their families in Texas depicting their lives and how prison changes it.
Lonely & Waiting ~ Incarcerated Loves Support Group
Long Distance Dads™ Incarcerated Fathers Program
Long Term Inmates Now in the Community
LOOPS (Loved Ones Of PrisonerS), Inc. Non-denominational, Christian organization dedicated to the support and restoration of prisoners and their families.
The Lord's Day Observance
The Lord Looseth The Prisoner
Los Angeles County Bar Association
Lost Vault: A Resource for Those Lost in Prisons Worldwide
Lutheran Ministries Association
Lutheran Social Services
of Illinois Prisoner and Family Ministry
visiting assistance, support groups, sends audio tapes of parents in prison to
their children.
M.A.C.C. (Movement Against Corruption and Complicity)
Maine Native Prison
Project For Native American prisoners & their families residing in Maine
Maine Support/Social Services
Marijuana Reform Party of New York State
Marin County Bar Association (California)
Majority of Americans Think U.S. Criminal Justice System is Broken, Ineffective; See Need for Change - Article
Measuring Corruption Precisely
Medical Assisted Treatment Advocates and consumers for educating the public about the need for medical-assisted treatment of drug addicts through the educational, media, and political arenas
Medical and Mental Illness Inmates Assistance
Meditation Not Prison for Offenders
Medical/Mental Illness Inmate Assist
Health and Treatment of Inmates and Probationers
Mental Health in Corrections
Mental Health Treatment in State Prisons, 2000 - published July 2001 Found that 1 in 10 state inmates are receiving psychotropic medications and 1 in 8 are in mental health therapy.
Mental Illness and the Death Penalty Death Penalty Information Center
Mentoring Children of Prisoners Funding
The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) was founded in 1968 in San Antonio, Texas and is the leading nonprofit Latino litigation, advocacy and educational outreach institution in the United States. MALDEF's mission is to foster sound public policies, laws and programs to safeguard the civil rights of the 40 million Latinos living in the United States and to empower the Latino community to fully participate in our society. Michael Hunter
Michigan Corrections Organization
Miracles Prisoner Ministry
About Prison Life
Missouri Department of Corrections Offender's Guide to Sexual Misconduct
Monitoring the Future - published December 2004 Annual study of substance use among secondary school students. Found overall drug use among teens continues a gradual decline, but use of inhalants rose.
Most Wanted Outlaws Online - Pen Pal Service for Inmates
Mother's Day in Prison - (Article)
Mother Jones - Debt to Society
MOTHEREAD, Inc. Combines
the teaching of literacy skills with child development and family empowerment
issues for prisoners and for free people.
Mountains and Rivers
Mumia Abu-Jamal's
Freedom Journal
witness exposes frame-up (Article)
Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies
Murder Victims for Family Reconciliation
Murder victims' families who oppose the death penalty
The Mustard Seed A newsletter for Centering Prayer in prisons (Email to Subscribe)
The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. (LDF) was founded in 1940 under the leadership of Thurgood Marshall. Although LDF's primary purpose was to provide legal assistance to poor African Americans, its work over the years has brought greater justice to all Americans. Its main program areas are education, civic participation, economic access, affirmative action, and criminal justice. Although LDF works primarily through the courts, its strategies include advocacy, educational outreach, legislation monitoring, coalition building and policy research. Additionally, it provides scholarships for exceptional African-American students.
The Nation: Death Trip: The American Way of Execution
National Advocates of Pregnant Women
The National Aids & Prison Forum
The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) is a nonprofit, grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families, and friends of people with severe mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and anxiety disorders.
The National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Association for Court Management
NACDL - The Death Penalty is Wrong
National Center on Fathers and Families
National Center for State Courts
National Center
for State Courts - Links to State courts
The National
Center for Victims of Crime
National Center on Institutions and Alternatives
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information - Information service of the Department of Health and Human Services that makes available research and statistics about substance abuse.
The National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
The National Coalition to Free the Angola 3
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
The National Correctional Industries Association, Inc.
National Council on Crime and Delinquency , founded in 1907, is a nonprofit organization which promotes effective, humane, fair and economically sound solutions to family, community and justice problems. NCCD conducts research, promotes reform initiatives, and seeks to work with individuals, public and private organizations and the media to prevent and reduce crime and delinquency.
National Crime Prevention Council – National organizer of community-based programs and solutions to preventing crime.
National Criminal Justice Association - Association of state and local criminal justice professionals that promotes innovation in the criminal justice system through coordination of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and juvenile justice.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service - a federally funded resource offering justice and substance abuse information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide
National Defense Counsel Foundation
National Drug Prosecution Center - A branch of the American Prosecutors Research Institute that trains prosecutors to investigate and prosecute drug cases more effectively, evaluate drug control and demand reduction strategies, and develop model drug laws.
Fatherhood Initiative
The National GAINS Center for
People with Co-Occurring Disorders in the Justice System
National Hepatitis C Prison Coalition - formed to bring together organizations and individuals interested in raising awareness and providing support to prisoners who are suffering from hepatitis and HIV/HCV coinfection. Our goal is to help educate prisoners and advocate for better testing, treatment and prevention of these diseases.
The National Institute of Corrections
National Institute of Justice - The research and development arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, assigned to gather research on crime, conduct national demonstration projects and develop new technologies.
National Institute on Drug
Abuse - Supports and conducts research on drug
abuse and addiction, and disseminates findings to inform drug abuse and
addiction prevention, treatment, and policy.
The National
Juvenile Detention Association
National Latino Father and Family Institute
The National Lawyers Guild - Los Angeles Chapter
The National Mental Health Association
The National Mental Health Association on Juvenile Justice
Resources and advocacy work. Produces a free newsletter written by former prisoners. (714 W California Blvd * Pasadena, CA 91105)
National Organization of Bar
The National Organization for
the Reform of Marijuana Laws
The National Organization for Victim Assistance
The National Park Service of Alcatraz Island
National Practitioners Network
for Fathers and Families (NPNFF) Organization of fatherhood program
practitioners whose mission is to increase supports to children in fragile
National Treatment Accountability for Safer Communities
National Prison Hospice Association
National Prison Project - Litigation and advocacy group for the protection of inmates' Eighth Amendment rights, the improvement of prison conditions, and the reduction of prison overcrowding.
National Radio Project Prison Desk - Provides critical analysis of and in-depth reporting on incarceration in the U.S. and world-wide. This Desk concentrates on the stories and perspectives of educators, policy analysts, community organizers, prisoners and their families. The Prison Desk also provides training opportunities for independent journalists and individuals involved in community building activities.
National Radio Project Women Desk - Produces programming that explores the issues and perspectives of women with a particular focus on the intersections of gender, race, class and sexuality. Major topic areas include: Reproductive Rights/Justice, Domestic Violence, Equal Rights, Healthcare, Housing, Poverty, Public Education, Racism, Sex Trafficking, International Gender Issues, Labor, Lesbian Rights, Human Rights, Welfare, Women in Prisons, Women Peacemakers.
National Rifle Association - Nonprofit group that advocates to preserve the Second Amendment right to bear arms, promotes public safety and law and order, and provides training in firearm safety, good marksmanship, and hunter safety.
National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse IX: Teen Dating Practices and Sexual Activity - published August 2004 Found that the more sexually active friends a teen has and the more time a teen spends with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the greater the risk that teen will smoke, drink, get drunk or use illegal drugs.
National Survey on Drug Use and Health - published 2004 An annual study of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use trends of the civilian population aged 12 years and older. Found that in 2002, an estimated 19.5 million Americans, or 8.3 percent of the population aged 12 or older, were current illicit drug users.
National Youth Court Center – provides training and technical assistance and serves as a clearinghouse for youth court programs.
National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
Nation Wide Christian Prison Ministry
Native American Indian Spiritual Freedom in Prison
Native American Inmates and Families Support Group
Native American Prisoner Network
Native Web - Resources for Native Americans
Neighborhood Legal Clinics (Washington State) Meets at a number of locations providing King County residents with an opportunity to meet individually with a volunteer attorney for up to 30 minutes of free legal advice and consultation.
Nevada Corrections Association
Nevada Department of Corrections
Newark Success
Jersey C.U.R.E.
The New Jersey Institute for Social Justice - a Newark-based urban research and advocacy organization dedicated to the advancement of New Jersey's urban areas and residents. (New Jersey)
New Mexico Drug Policy Foundation
New Mexico Department of Corrections Transition Coordinator - Addiction Services The Addiction Division is focused on the in-house programming of future parolees and is directed by the Bureau Chief, Charles King. The Transition coordinators office is designed to assist the relationship between parolees, the treatment facility, and the community that they are paroled back into. Our focus is primarily on addiction recovery and how this recovery can be the successful component to a parolees reintegration.
A New Path - Parents for Addiction Treatment and Healing
New Vision Organization - Improving the quality and quantity of rehabilitation and healing for both prisoners and their families, giving all the hope of reunion with loved ones and a fresh beginning.
NMAC's (National Minority AIDS Council) Prison Initiative - a response to an often overlooked facet of the HIV/AIDS epidemic -- the rising rate of HIV/AIDS in U.S. Correctional Facilities.
No Escape: Male Rape in Prison
The North American Conference on Fathers Behind Bars & On the Street
The North County Bar Association - California
Northern Californian's to Amend Three Strikes
Northern California Service League
North Carolina Department of Correction - Offender Family Services
North Carolina Friends for Inmates Everywhere A place where friends of inmates can exchange stories, and find Inmate Pen pals that they would not mind corresponding with knowing that they are Incarcerated" some for life. To an inmate "postal" mail means so much. Membership is open to all 18 and up, MALE and FEMALE. Please feel free to join, share your story, make some new friends, etc. This group IS a "safe haven for support andsharing". You Do NOT have to live in North Carolina to join. The group is for "INMATE PEN PALS EVERYWHERE" and so are the members that live "EVERYWHERE".
North Carolina Prisoner Legal Services, Inc.
Northwest Justice Project Provides free civil legal services to low-income people throughout Washington State
Northwest Regional Education Laboratory – Improves educational results for children, youth and adults by providing research and development assistance to education, government, community agencies, business and labor.
Northwest Women's Law Center Working to change the law to advance women's rights, advocates to ensure that laws are interpreted and enforced to protect women's interests, and educates women and the community at large to understand women's legal rights and responsibilities. The Law Center advocates for the legal rights of women and girls in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.
OAR: Opportunities, Alternatives & Resources
Oberlin Action Against Prisons
October 22nd Coalition - Stop Police Brutality
Offender Preparation & Education Network, Inc.
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) - Agency within the Department of Justice that encourages the expansion of state victim assistance programs, and promotes victim rights through legislation and public policy. Also maintains a resource center that provides information on issues including domestic violence, child abuse, victim rights, and victim compensation.
Office of Correctional Job Training and Placement
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention – Effective Intervention for Serious Juvenile Offenders
Office of National Drug Control Policy - White House office that establishes policies and priorities for the nation's drug control program, with the goal of reducing illicit drug use, manufacturing, and trafficking. Creates the National Drug Control Strategy, which establishes a budget and guidelines for cooperation among federal, state, and local authorities
Official California Legislative Information
The Official Kenny Richey Campaign
Oklahoma Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
publications and technical assistance to help offenders prepare to live as
law-abiding citizens.
Door Ministries
Open Prisons - Society of Professional Journalist's online guide to state policies governing media access to correctional facilities and inmates
Open Society Institute: Criminal Justice Initiative
Open Society Justice Initiative Pursues law reform activities grounded in the protection of human rights, and contributes to the development of legal capacity for open societies worldwide.
Operation Starting Line - collaborative effort from thousands of Christian churches and ministries to reach every prisoner in America by Easter 2005.
Orange County Bar Association - California
Oregon Dispute Resolution Commission – Supports the beneficial use of mediation, negotiation, conciliation and other collaborative problem solving processes.
Oregon Social Learning Center – Dedicated to increasing the scientific understanding of social and psychological processes related to healthy development and family functioning.
Organ Donor Debate - ABC News Article
The Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry
The Osborne Association Provides a Family Resource Center Hotline; Family Ties, a program assisting children to visit their mothers incarcerated at Albion Correctional Facility; Family Works, a program for incarcerated fathers at 3 New York prisons; drug treatment, health, mental health and employment assistance.
Our Father's Persistant Love Ministries
The Outside Connection (A Cheaper Way to Get Inmate's Calls)
PACT (Parents and Children Together, Inc.) Support services for families and children of incarcerated persons. Centered in Ft. Worth, Texas
The Palo Alto Area Bar Association (California)
Parenting is Prevention - Provides accurate information, support, and resources to assist parents and others in raising children to be healthy, drug-free, productive adults
Parents in Prayer Ministry Support services for parents who have children behind bars
Parole Source
To provide parole
guidance for inmates in TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) and their
Parole Support Letter
Partnership Against Violence Network
Partnership for a Drug-Free America - Nonprofit coalition of professionals from the communications industry that seeks to reduce the demand for illegal drugs through media campaigns that educate the public about the risks of drugs.
Partnership for Responsible Drug Information
PASAN (Prisoner's HIV/AIDS Support Action Network
P.A.T.R.I.C.K. Crusade (Including phone.htm)
Peace Between People - Alternatives to Violence Project of Washington State
Peace Education Foundation – Fostering school norms of cooperation and problem solving rather than violence and aggression.
Pen Friends and Services, Inc - provides inmates with resources, free world contacts, educational materials, religious materials and information which will help both them and society. While we do not provide direct legal aid, study materials or have access to these materials, we do provide updated names, addresses and contacts for the offenders to initiate contact and request materials. Rape and disease prevention, violence and abuse resources are also available.
The Pennsylvania Prison Society
Pen Pal Connection - A Christian Group Reaching out to lonely women and men inmates across the country. Address: Pen Pal Connection * PO Box 73 * Syracuse, NY 13206-0073
People Aligned to Replace Injustice & Cruelty with Knowledge
People's Coalition for Justice - An anti-racist, grassroots organization currently focusing on institutionalized racism and classism in the police department and the need for greater police accountability.
Person Offense Cases in Juvenile Court, 1988-1997 - published May 2000 Found that the percentage of juvenile delinquency cases involving offenses against people in 1997 was 97 percent greater than in 1998.
Philadelphians - Christian prison outreach ministry.
Photo Album of Prison Inmates and Chaplains
The Placer County Bar Association (California)
Places of Refuge - Prison Ministry
Politically Correct Punishment
Preparing a Child for Their First Prison Visit
Press Room Treatment Advocacy Center
PRIDE Survey - published September 2001Found that 2.7% of kids in grades 6-12 took a gun to school during the 1999-2000 school year
Prior Abuse Reported by Inmates and Probationers - published April 1999 Found that many prison and jail inmates reported they were physically or sexually abused before they were incarcerated.
Prison Act - Impact on Children & Women
Prison Activist Resource Center
Prison and Its Aftermath:A Two-Part Series by Jennifer Gonnerman
Prisons and Prisoners: About.com
Prison Art from LA Greeneyes31
Prison Blues: How America's Foolish Sentencing Policies Endanger Public Safety
Prison Coffee - Article about how Starbucks uses prison labor
Prison Congregations of America - Ministry devoted to working with mainline Christian denominations to develop congregations in the state prison systems. (ministries)
Prison Congregations of America
Dads Team at Brigham Young University researching father imprisonment
Prison Dharma
Prison Diaries: An Intimate Portrait of Life Behind Bars
Prison Disciple Ministry, Inc.
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - General Articles
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - HIV Treatment and Prisoners
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Legal Issues for HIV-Positive Prisoners
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Personal Accounts/Profiles
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Prisoners and Hepatitis
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Resources
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Statistics
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS - Women with HIV in Prison
Prisoner Express - A project of Durland Alternatives Library, at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. They send books and educational material to prisoners throughout the United States. A newsletter featuring prisoner writings is published three times a year. Write to Prisoner Express c/o Alternatives Library at 127 Anabel Taylor Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14850 or call (607) 255-6486. Their website is under construction.
Prisoner Integration Experience (P.I.E.)
Prisoner letters about prison rape...
The Prisoner Rehabilitation Authority, Philosophy and Programs
Prisoner Reintegration Publications (Center for Policy Research)
The Prisoner Resource Clearinghouse
Prisoners.com - A nonprofit corporation of education, information and charity. Our mission is to benefit the 100,000+ state, local and federal prisoners in Pennsylvania, their families and loved ones. Further, we aim to assist prisoners everywhere.
The Prisoner's Guide to Survival
Prisoners of Love Provides friends and families of inmates with direction,
companionship and information on how others overcame similar circumstances,
connection with others in similar circumstances, resources and links.
Transfer Treaties
Prisoners Against Parole Board Abuse
Prisoners and HIV/AIDS Resource Directory
Prisoner's Families Fellowship Place
Prisoners For Christ - nondenominational organization dedicated to taking the gospel of Jesus Christ into the jails, prisons, and juvenile centers.
Prisoners' HIV/AIDS Support Action Network (PASAN) - a community-based network of prisoners, ex-prisoners, organizations, activists and individuals working together to provide advocacy, education, and support to prisoners on HIV/AIDS, HCV and related issues.
Prisoners in 2002 published July 2003 Found during 2002 the 2.6 percent growth in the number of inmates under state & federal jurisdiction was more than twice the 2001 growth (1.1 percent) but less than the average annual growth of 3.6 percent since year-end 1995.
Prison Factories: Slave Labor for the New World Order? Article by Charles Overbeck
Prison Families of New York, Inc. Director: Alison
Coleman * 40 North Main Avenue * Albany, NY 12203 * 518-453-6659
Prison Fellowship International - a global, Christian association of
national, criminal justice ministries.
Prison Fellowship On Line Assists the Church in its ministry to prisoners,
ex-prisoners, victims, and their families. Offices in all states and around the
Fellowship Ministries
Prison for a Day - Article by Northwest Dharma News
Prison Labor: Some Facts and Issues Article by Karen Miller
Prison Labor: Workin' for the Man
Prison Legal News - in addition to our own list serv we also have the largest collection of prison and jail related news and litigation information going back for 15 years which includes all back issues of PLN, a brief bank, publications and much more, all in a searchable database.
Prison Librarianship Clearinghouse
Prison Ministries: Central Pennsylvania Conference
Prison Ministry: NAHNS
The Prison Ministry Task Force
Prison Movement - A group that supports Prison Reform, Inmates, their families and friends with human rights and abuse issues. We offer legal resources, petitions, links to other groups and sites, much needed support for one another, as well as varied information and updates. We are very active in prison reform-we engage in letter writing campaigns which include but are not limited to the media, persons in government and the department of corrections. We help inmates everyday with abuse, medical neglect and other issues.
Prison News: Yahoo
Prison Pet Partnership Program
Prison Policy Initiative - Conducts research and advocacy on incarceration policy.
Prison Professionals Speak Out for Justice
Prison Project: Another
Prison Rape and the Spread of AIDS (Article)
Prisons a new growth industry (Article by Kathryn Casa)
Prisons Punish Inmates Because of "Negative" News Stories
Prison Rape: the Graylon Bell Case
Prison Reform Trust: Research, Publications and Cards
Prison Rehabilitation and Welfare Action (PRAWA)
Prison Resources - provide free bibles and reading material and encouragement for persons connected with prisons and detention centers.
Prison Sentences and Time Served for Violence
The Prison Show - broadcast on Houston Pacifica Radio station KPFT, 90.1FM weekly since March 1980. Now scheduled Friday's from 9:00 to 11:00 PM, the show reaches Texas prisons in Walker, Brazoria, Galveston, Ft Bend, Liberty, Montgomery and Harris Counties in direct broadcast. The Prison Show is about cops, courts, jails, prisons, probation, parole, politics, and the human experience of dealing with the above.
Prison Sucks - A clearinghouse for useful, verifiable statistics about the crime control industry.
Prison Tension Cool When Inmates Seek Training as Mediators
Prison TATTOOS: Recognition and Interpretation
Prison Work Programs: Inmates' Access to Personal Information
Prison to Work Project for the Maryland Department of Education
Prison Writing Program: PEN American Center
Prison Zone (plea bargain info)
Private Prisons and Private Labor
Private Prisons: Profits of Crime
Probation and Parole in the United States, 2000 -
published August 2001 Found that 6.5 million
Americans were either incarcerated or on probation or parole in 1998, the
highest number ever.
Pro Bono Program - Indiana University School of Law
Professional Legal Process Services of West Virginia
Profiles of DNA Exculpatory Cases
Profit & Punishment (ABC News Special Report)
Programs Addressing Prisons (AFSC - American Friends Service Committee)
Project Return Tulane University program offering family counseling and
other services to inmates returning to the community
PROJECT SEEK Program Description and Evaluation. This program in Flint,
Michigan provides a variety of services to children of offenders and their
families. The evaluation data is encouraging.
Project Sunshine
- A program of the Society of Professional Journalists
initiated to focus attention and energy on problems of steadily-eroding access
to national, state and local government.
Prometheus' Liberation Site
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (P.A.C.E.R.) An electronic public access service that allows users to obtain case and docket information from Federal Appellate, District and Bankruptcy courts, and from the U.S. Party/Case Index.
Questions & Answers from Gangs in Prisons
Race and Incarceration in the United States
RAINN - The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. Inside, you'll find statistics, counseling resources, prevention tips, news and more.
Rand Corporation Drug Policy Research Center - Research program that conducts empirical research, policy analysis, and outreach so that community leaders and public officials develop more effective strategies for dealing with drug problems. Its research includes projections of drug use trends, assessments of local drug problems and responses, evaluations of street-level drug markets, and comparative analyses of drug-related experiences and policies of other countries.
Rape used as control in U.S. prisons
Reach Assists ex-offender
reentry in the Washington, DC area by reducing risk of recidivism, facilitating
societal reintegration, and strengthening family reunification
Beyond the Walls
Reach Out and Touch Somebody's Hand: Make This World a Better Place If You Can
Reaching Out to Juvenile Inmates Through AIM, Students Serve as Mentors to Young Offenders (Article)
Ready to Live: Art & Life Beyond Street Violence
The Real Costs of
Prisons Project -
brings together
prison/justice policy activists with political economists to create popular
education workshops and materials which explore both the immediate and long-term
costs of incarceration on the individual, her/his family, community and the
nation. The goals of the Real Cost of Prisons Project are to strengthen and
deepen the organizing capacity of grassroots prison/justice activists and to
broaden the public's understanding of the economic and social consequences of
mass incarceration.
Real Justice
Rebirth America - offering new hope and second chances to prison inmates and their families.
Recent Executions (in Washington State)
Recommendations to protect female inmates from sexual abuse
Reconciliation - Serving Families of Inmates in Tennessee
Redeem-Her - an inmate and ex-offender directed, self-help, social services organization. Redeem-Her has its roots inside the confines of the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women in Clinton, New Jersey.
Redwood Highway: Crime, Law and Related Links on the Web
Re-Entry Jail and Prison Ministry (RPJM)
Religious Leaders For a More Just and Compassionate Drug Policy
Religious Organizing Against the Death Penalty
Religious Tolerance: Death Penalty
Resource Directory for Prisoners - Naljor Prison Dharma Service
Resources on Minnesota Issues Three Strikes Sentencing Laws
Responding to Children and Families of Prisoners: A Community Guide
Restorative Justice Ministry Network Links to ministries serving prisoners and families throughout North America.
Restorative Justice / Prison Ministries - United Methodist Church
Restorative Justice
Project: Restorative Justice Implementation VORP Resource and Training Center
Rest of Our Lives
A Review of the Costs, Length, and Results of Capital Cases in Washington State.
Rittenhouse Transformative Justice
Riverside County Bar Association (California)
Sacramento County Bar Association (California)
Safer Society Foundation - Develops materials for professionals who work with sexual offenders and victims. Compiles statistics on sex offenses, and provides referrals for the assessment and treatment of youthful and adult sexual victims and offenders.
Salute No More!!! The Death Penalty: Our Modern Coliseum
San Bernardino County Bar Association (California)
San Diego County Bar Association (California)
San Fernando Valley Bar Association (California)
San Mateo County Bar Association (California)
Santa Barbara County Bar Association (California)
Santa Clara County Bar Association (California)
Santa Ynez Valley Bar Association (California)
Savage Thoughts - Our Prisons (Essay)
The Scales of Justice - Speaking Out Against Capitol Punishment
Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
School House Hype: Two Years Later - published April 2000 Found that school-associated violent deaths have decreased 40% from 1998 to 1999. In addition,FBI arrest data indicates that there was a 56% decline in juvenile homicides from 1993 to 1998, and a 30% decline in overall juvenile crime.
Second Chance For Us - Online Support Group
Seattle October 22nd Coalition National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation
A Sentence of Their Own The impact incarceration had on one family
Sentencing (Produce by American Life) - (The following description is from 360degrees.com) We've all heard occasional news stories about how some of the drug laws enacted in the last 15 years may have gone too far. First-time offenders get locked up for decades. Judges, even Republican appointees, say that mandatory minimum sentences prevent them from making fair rulings. But have sentences really gone too far? This hour-long radio show examines the areas where a consensus is growing on the problems in federal drug laws, and it explains the areas where drug laws seem to be administered fairly. It includes the story of how a person could be sentenced to 19 years for drug possession, even if police found no drugs, drug money, residue, or paraphernalia, even if it's a first offense. Judges give their opinions of the drug sentencing laws. The show ends with a night in drug court.
Services for Families of Prisoners
Serving Incarcerated and Ex-Offender Fathers and their Families: A Review of the Field
Should Hackers Spend Years in Prison? (Article by Peter Wayner)
The Siddha Yoga Prison Project: Dedicated to making available the teachings, practices and experience of Siddha Yoga meditation to incarcerated seekers
Sivananda Yoga - Prison Project
S.K.I.P. Inc.
(Save Kids
of Incarcerated Parents) Network of services for children (1 month to 18 years
of age) of incarcerated parents with branches in several states
Dive - Defense Fund for Michael Norris Texas Death Row
SMART Recovery - A nationwide, nonprofit organization which offers free support groups to individuals who desire to gain independence from any type of addictive behavior.
Social Sciences Information Gateway: Topic Law
Social Security Card - Application
Soldier's of the Cross Ministry
Solidarity Group Political Prisoners
Someone Care's Prison Ministry
Songs of Praise - Prison Ministry
Sonoma County Bar Association (California)
Soraya's Free Prison Pen Pal Site
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
South Carolina Advocates for Pregnant Women
South Dakota Prisoner Support Group
Southern Center for Human Rights
Specific Legal Documents or Information
State and Local Government Online
State of California Commission on Judicial Performance - the independent state agency in California responsible for investigating complaints of judicial misconduct and judicial incapacity and for disciplining judges.
State Justice Institute - was established by Federal law in 1984 to award grants to improve the quality of justice in State courts, facilitate better coordination between State and Federal courts, and foster innovative, efficient solutions to common problems faced by all courts
State of Washington Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Still Striking Out: Ten Years of California's Three Strikes Law - Policy Report
Stillwater Prison Literacy Project
St. Leonard's Society of Canada
Stop Shackling Pregnant Inmates - A personal MySpace websites regarding the issues surrounding shackling pregnant inmates.
Stop the Violence – Formed to counteract the negative influences affecting our youth and providing alternative methods of resolving issues.
The Stop Violence Coalition of Kansas City
Straight Ahead Ministries - trains volunteers to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ to incarcerated youth.
Strengthening America's Families: Effective Family Programs for Prevention of Delinquency
Student Transition And Recovery Program
Students for Sensible Drug Policy
Study: Alcohol and Crime - published April 1998. Found that almost four in ten violent crimes involve alcohol, according to both the crime victims and offenders. Two-thirds of violent attacks by intimates occurred while intoxicated.
Study: An Ounce of Prevention, a Pound of Uncertainty - Studied school drug prevention programs and found them effective but slow to generate change. Published May 1999
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that works to assure that the quality substance abuse and mental health services are available to those who need them. Conducts the annual National Household Survey on Drug Abuse.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics
Substance Abuse and Treatment, State and Federal Prisoners, 1997 - published January 1999 Found an increase in the number of state and federal prisoners reporting drug or alcohol use at the time of their offense from 1991 to 1997
The Sunnyvale-Cupertino Bar Association (California)
Superior Court of California - County of Alameda
Superior Court of California - County of Alpine
Superior Court of California - County of Amador
Superior Court of California - County of Butte
Superior Court of California - County of Calaveras
Superior Court of California - County of Colusa
Superior Court of California - County of Contra Costa
Superior Court of California - County of Del Norte
Superior Court of California - County of El Dorado
Superior Court of California - County of Fresno
Superior Court of California - County of Glenn
Superior Court of California - County of Humboldt
Superior Court of California - County of Imperial
Superior Court of California - County of Inyo
Superior Court of California - County of Kern
Superior Court of California - County of Kings
Superior Court of California - County of Lake
Superior Court of California - County of Lassen
Superior Court of California - County of Los Angeles
Superior Court of California - County of Madera
Superior Court of California - County of Marin
Superior Court of California - County of Mariposa
Superior Court of California - County of Mendocina
Superior Court of California - County of Merced
Superior Court of California - County of Modoc
Superior Court of California - County of Mono
Superior Court of California - County of Monterey
Superior Court of California - County of Napa
Superior Court of California - County of Nevada
Superior Court of California - County of Orange
Superior Court of California - County of Placer
Superior Court of California - County of Plumas
Superior Court of California - County of Riverside
Superior Court of California - County of Sacramento
Superior Court of California - County of San Benito
Superior Court of California - County of San Bernardino
Superior Court of California - County of San Diego
Superior Court of California - County of San Francisco
Superior Court of California - County of San Joaquin
Superior Court of California - County of San Luis Obispo
Superior Court of California - County of San Mateo
Superior Court of California - County of Santa Barbara
Superior Court of California - County of Santa Clara
Superior Court of California - County of Santa Cruz
Superior Court of California - County of Shasta
Superior Court of California - County of Sierra
Superior Court of California - County of Siskiyou
Superior Court of California - County of Solano
Superior Court of California - County of Sonoma
Superior Court of California - County of Stanislaus
Superior Court of California - County of Sutter
Superior Court of California - County of Tehama
Superior Court of California - County of Trinity
Superior Court of California - County of Tulare
Superior Court of California - County of Tuolumne
Superior Court of California - County of Ventura
Superior Court of California - County of Yolo
Superior Court of California - County of Yuba
Support Services for Incarcerated and Released NonCustodial Parents - by Heidi Sachs
Survivors of Incarcerated Loved Ones
Sylvia Rivera Law Project - Works to guarantee that all people are free to self-determine gender identity and expression, regardless of income or race, and without facing harassment, discrimination or violence.
The Tahoe-Truckee Bar Association (California)
Talking points on the death penalty
TATTOOS: Recognition and Interpretation by Sergeant Ken Whitley
Tax Payers for Improving Public Safety (TIPS) is a non-partisan consortium of California taxpayers and business interests who seek to improve public safety through smart, meaningful, and cost-effective measures which serve to best utilize taxpayer dollars to improve public safety.
TDCJ - "A Warehouse of Injustice & Greed" - Texas Department of Justice
TDCJ - General Information Guide for Families of Offenders (Texas Department of Justice)
Teaching Parenting Skills To Incarcerated Fathers
TeamChild - Helping Youth In Trouble (Washington State)
TEEN CHALLENGE of Greater Cleveland, Inc.
Tenants Union Washington State
Ten Federal Judges Who Must be Impeached for Abuse of Power
TCASK- Tennessee Coalition to Abolish State Killing
Texas Campaign to Abolish the Death Penalty
Texas Can't Resist Cries for the Death Penalty
Texas Criminal Justice Reform Coalition
Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement
Texas Department of Criminal Justice
Texas Department of Criminal Justice General Information Guide for Families of Offenders Published to provide the public with a brief description of principal program areas.
Texas Department of Criminal Justice HIV/AIDS/STD services provided for incarcerated individuals
Texas Group Works to Help Inmates' Families - News Article
Texas Inmate Families Association
Moratorium Network
The Texas Prison Abuse Campaign
TGI Justice Project (TGIJP) - TGIJP's mission is the end human rights abuses against transgender, gender variant and intersex (TGI) people in California prisons and beyond. Provides legal advice and referrals to TGI people in prison, and technical support for community organizing around this issue.
Thomas- Legislative Information on the Internet (Library of Congress)
The True Victims of "The War on Crime"
Thinking About PrisonsThree Strikes Laws Don't Prevent Crime - Article
Thundering Drums: American Indian Prisoners and Families Support Group
Time Served in Prison by Federal Offenders, 1986-97 - published June 1999 Found that between 1986 and 1997, the average prison sentences increased from 39 months to 54 months and the proportion of the sentence to be served by offenders entering federal prison increased from 58 percent in 1986 to about 87 percent in 1997.
Time Together: A Survival Guide for Families and Friends Visiting in Canadian Federal Prisons
The Trans/Gender in Prison Committee(TIP) - TIP was founded in 2001 to organize and mobilize the transgender and gender variant communities to advocate for and alongside trans and gender variant prisoners. Conducts campaigns to improve conditions of confinement for trans, gender variant, and intersex prisoners (as well as for all prisoners), and to build the capacity of the LGBT communities to resist the prison industrial complex. Also provides informational and support resources for trans, gender variant and intersex people in prison.
TLC Transitional Living Communities
Too Late to Stop the Hangman? (News Article)
TORTURE IN TEXAS PRISONS: Exposing Abuses In The Texas Prison System
Tossing Away the Keys - It used to be that a life sentence in Louisiana meant a maximum of ten years and six months behind bars. But, in the 1970s, the state's politicians changed the definition. A life sentence in Louisiana now means just that. Unless they're pardoned by the Governor, inmates today know they will never again see the outside world -- that they will die inside Angola prison. Tossing Away the Keys is their story.
Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse
Transgender Law Center - A civil rights organization advocating for transgender communities. Provides some legal help for transgenders in prison.
Traveling the Spiritual Path: The Struggle for Native American Religious Freedom in Prison
Treatment Advocacy Center - is a national nonprofit organization working to eliminate barriers to timely treatment of severe mental illness
Treatment & Support Resource Directory
Trinity Resources International
T.R.I.P.P. (The Real Illumination on the Prison Population)
Truth in Sentencing in State Prisons - published January 1999 Found the average sentence served by state prisoners freed in 1996 was 25 months in state prison & five months in county or city jails, an increase from 22 months in prison & six months in jail in 1990.
Uniform Crime Report, 2003 Preliminary Annual Release - published May 2004 This annual report summarizes crimes reported to law enforcement agencies across the country. Also provides crime statistics for the nation as a whole, as well as for regions, states, counties, cities, and towns.
U.N.I.O.N. (United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect)
Unitarian Universalists for Drug Policy Reform
United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect
United Prison Ministries International - distributes Christian literature to prisoners in the U.S. and other countries.
United States Courts of Appeals and United States District Courts
University of Michigan Institute for Social Research - Research center that conducts the annual Monitoring the Future survey of teens about substance use for the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
The University of Washington's Clinical Law Program
U.S. Courts of Appeals and United States District Courts
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia (D.C.) Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit - PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records)
U.S. Court of International Trade
U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs
U.S. District Courts - First Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of Maine
U.S. District Court - District of Massachusetts
U.S. District Court - District of New Hampshire
U.S. District Court - District of Puerto Rico
U.S. District Court - District of Rhode Island
U.S. District Court - District of Vermont
U.S. District Courts - Second Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of Connecticut
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of New York
U.S. District Court - Northern District of New York
U.S. District Court - Southern District of New York
U.S. District Court - Western District of New York
U.S. District Courts - Third Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of Delaware
U.S. District Court - District of New Jersey
U.S. District Court - District of New Jersey - Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court - Western District of Pennsylvania
U.S. District Court - District of United States Virgin Islands
U.S. District Courts - Fourth Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of Maryland
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of North Carolina
U.S. District Court - Middle District of North Carolina
U.S. District Court - Western District of North Carolina
U.S. District Court - District of South Carolina
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Virginia
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Virginia - Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Western District of Virginia
U.S. District Court - Northern District of West Virginia
U.S. District Court - Southern District of West Virginia
U.S. District Court - Southern District of West Virginia - Probation Office
U.S. District Courts - Fifth Circuit
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Louisiana
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Louisiana
U.S. District Court - Western District of Louisiana
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Mississippi
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Texas
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Texas
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Texas
U.S. District Court - Western District of Texas
U.S. District Courts - Sixth Circuit
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Kentucky
U.S. District Court - Western District of Kentucky
U.S. District Court - Western District of Kentucky - Probation Office
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Michigan
U.S. District Court - Western District of Michigan
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Ohio
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Ohio
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Ohio - Probation Office
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Tennessee
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Tennessee
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Tennessee - Probation & Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Western District of Tennessee
U.S. District Court - Western District of Tennessee - Probation Office
U.S. District Courts - Seventh Circuit
U.S. District Court - Central District of Illinois
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Illinois
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Illinois
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Illinois - Probation
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Indiana
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Indiana - Probation & Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Indiana
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Indiana - Probation
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Wisconsin
U.S. District Court - Western District of Wisconsin
U.S. District Courts - Eighth Circuit
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Arkansas
U.S. District Court - Western District of Arkansas
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Iowa
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Iowa
U.S. District Court - District of Minnesota
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Missouri
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Missouri - Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Missouri - Probation
U.S. District Court - Western District of Missouri
U.S. District Court - District of Nebraska
U.S. District Court - District of North Dakota
U.S. District Court - District of South Dakota
U.S. District Courts - Ninth Circuit
Office of Ninth Circuit Executive
U.S. District Court - District of Alaska
U.S. District Court - District of Arizona
U.S. District Court - Central District of California
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of California
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of California - Probation
U.S. District Court - Northern District of California
U.S. District Court - Southern District of California
U.S. District Court - Southern District of California - Pretrial
U.S. District Court - Southern District of California - Probation
U.S. District Court - District of Guam
U.S. District Court - District of Hawaii
U.S. District Court - District of Idaho
U.S. District Court - District of Montana
U.S. District Court - District of Nevada
U.S. District Court - District of North Mariana Islands
U.S. District Court - District of Oregon
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Washington
U.S. District Court - Western District of Washington
U.S. District Courts - Tenth Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of Colorado
U.S. District Court - District of Colorado - All Units
U.S. District Court - District of Kansas
U.S. District Court - District of New Mexico
U.S. District Court - District of New Mexico - Probation
U.S. District Court - Eastern District of Oklahoma
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Oklahoma
U.S. District Court - Western District of Oklahoma
U.S. District Court - District of Utah
U.S. District Court - District of Wyoming
U.S. District Courts - Eleventh Circuit
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Alabama
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Alabama
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Alabama
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Florida
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Florida - Probation
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Florida
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Florida - Probation & Pretrial Services
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Florida
U.S. District Court - Middle District of Georgia
U.S. District Court - Northern District of Georgia
U.S. District Court - Southern District of Georgia
U.S. District Courts - District of Columbia Circuit
U.S. District Court - District of District of Columbia (D.C.)
U.S. District Court - Federal Public Defender for District of Columbia
The U.S. Dream Academy - Mentoring children at-risk including many children of prisoners.
U.S. Prisons Double as Mental Wards (News Article)
U.S. Prison Population Rising - ABC News Article
U.S. Sentencing Commission - An independent agency in the judicial branch that establishes sentencing policies and practices for the federal courts, including detailed guidelines describing the appropriate form and severity of punishment for offenders convicted of federal crimes. Also evaluates the effects of sentencing guidelines on the criminal justice system, and recommends to Congress modifications of criminal law and sentencing procedures.
U.S. Tax Court
Using the Private
Sector to Deter Crime
Useful Prisoner Litigation Cases
Using Time: The Prison Program of Padma Ling
Vanguard - The Voices of Death Row
The Ventura County Bar Association (California)
Victim Offender Mediation Association (VOMA)
Victim-Offender Mediation Programs (VOMP)
Victims of the Surrogate Court
Victory Prison Ministries - nonprofit ministry founded in 1981
VINE LINK - To find most any inmates in most any state
Violence and Theft in the Workplace -
published July 2004 Examines the extent of workplace
violence, whether offenders are armed and whether they are strangers or
nonstrangers, and the extent of injury and time lost from work resulting from
these crimes
by Intimates - published March 1998 Found that
the number of murders committed by current or former boyfriends, girlfriends or
spouses has dropped dramatically over the past 20 years, but the proportion of
women killed by intimates has risen substantially.
Vipassana Meditation Courses in Prison
Virginians Against Drug Violence
Vision Before Victory Ministry, Inc. Serves offenders and their families in
Tampa Bay, Florida
Vision New
England Prison Ministries
Voices from the Inside of Parchman Prison
Voters Corrections Reform Coalition - Providing personal empowerment, reconciliation and crime prevention measures as a means of improving public safety.
Wall Tappings: An
International Anthology of Women's Prison Writings, 200 AD to the Present
Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty
(Washington State not D.C.)
Washington Defender Association: Legal Resources for Public Defenders in Washington State
Washington Evangelicals for Responsible Government
Washington's capital punishment law (Washington State)
Washington Law Review Article on Proportionality and the Death Penalty in Washington State
Washington State's Death Penalty Assistance Center
Washington State Equal Justice Coalition
Washington State Correctional Center For Women Prison Pet Partnership Program
Washington State Human Rights Commission
Washington State Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation
Washington State LawHelp Helping Low-Income People Find Solutions to Civil Legal Problems in Washington State
Washington State Prison Inmate Population
WashLaw Web - Legal Research on the Web
Watchman on the Wall Ministries, USA
Weight lifting in prisons & correctional recreation
Welfare Rights Organizing Coalition - WROC organizes groups of women and men to watch how welfare and family policy is implemented at their local welfare office and how it is made at the legislature and at DSHS in Olympia (Washington State)
Westword.com (Articles - do search on prison)
What Puts People at Risk? Inmates: Article
When Prison Doors Open: Article
When the Bough Breaks Film about families of incarcerated mothers
Why Planning For Release Matters
Wilshire Bar Association (California)
inmates' families to caring Christians, who welcome them into congregations
Wings Ministry
Wisconsin Council on Children & Families
Witness to an Execution - tells the stories of the men and women involved with the execution of deathrow inmates at the Walls Unit in Huntsville, Texas.
WMMT Radio Provides occasional broadcasts to Red Onion, VA prison so families and inmates can communicate.
Women and HIV/AIDS in Prisons and Jails
Women in Prison: Article
Women in Prison: A Call for Feminists Action
Women in Prison: Bureau of Justice Statistics
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Women, Wives & Mothers of the Incarcerated
WPP: Prisoner Support Directory
The Wrongful Death & Injury Institute
Yolo County Bar Association (California)
Youth Crime Watch of America – A youth-led project to create crime- and drug-free schools and communities
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance - published 2004 A national survey of high school students conducted by the CDC every two years.
Youth Today - the only independent, nationally distributed newspaper that goes out to more than 70,000 readers in the child and youth services field.
Youth Violence- A Report of the Surgeon General - The Surgeon General's Report on Youth Violence provides a review of what we know about youth violence from a public health perspective, summarizing the state of the science on youth violence and prevention
Personal Inmate Sites:
Alberson, James Raymond A MOTHER'S PLEA FOR JUSTICE FOR HER MURDERED SON: "After seven months of incarceration in the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC), my son, James Raymond Alberson was dead of a spider bite."
Barbella, Maria - profile of the Italian immigrant who became the first woman sentenced to die in the electric chair in 1895 and the first woman on death row in Sing Sing Prison.
Barnabei, Derek - executed Sept. 14, 2000.
BeauSoleil, Bobby - personal information, including music and art.
Boggess, Clifford - Memorial
Boggess, Clifford - Frontline
Boudin Kathy - Rocklanders Supporting Parole For Kathy Boudin - advocate for Kathy Boudin, who has been in prison at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for more than 21 years for her role in the Brinks Robbery of 1981. Recently denied parole, Kathy is an exemplary prisoner who has worked with AIDS patients, supported incarcerated parents and their children, and taught educational programs for inmates.
Bramblett, Earl - The Frame-Up Of Virginia Death Row Inmate 252091
Bronson, Charles - UK Hard Man - diary and artwork from the artist/convict.
Brown, Norman - "We must save Norman Brown - Wrongfully Accused"
Chessman, Caryl - highly detailed biography of the man who may have been the notorious Red Light Bandit. Includes numerous photographs.
Collins, Roger - on death row in Georgia. Includes fundraising info for his appeal.
Cook, Brett - Memorial; plea for help.
Cooper, Kevin - on death row at San Quentin State Prison. Site includes details of his murder case, his personal writings, and the petition for clemency.
Dechaine, Dennis - dedicated to securing the freedom of an innocent man who has been in prison in Maine for 14 years for a murder he did not commit.
Delgado, Rudy - Memorial; plea for help. Murdered in TDCJ.
Dempsey, Albert - Memorial; plea for help
Dennis, Jimmy - dedicated to telling the story of Jimmy Dennis.
Doolin, Keith - Innocent on Death Row
Draughon, Martin A. - writings from Martin about life and living conditions on Texas' Death Row.
Duhamel, Emile Pierre - discusses the case of a mentally handicapped man who died on Texas death row.
Dunn, Christopher B. - sentenced to life in prison at the age of 18 for a crime he claims he did not commit.
Eldridge, Neal And Jesse - defense and advocacy fund for brothers jailed for the death of their father. Includes news, attorney details, and information on how to support the fund.
Fisher, Amy - A.I.M.E.E. (The Official Amy Fisher Organization)
Fisher, Amy - Magical Mistress of Multi-tasking
Fisher, Amy - Free Amy Fisher
Fisher, Amy - Judging Amy - My Story
Frazier, Lawrence - Memorial
French, William (Bill) - Memorial; plea for help
French, Billy Gene - Memorial; plea for help.
Gilmore, Gary - Crime Library
Gilmore, Gary - Shot in the Heart
Graham, Barbara - highly detailed biography of the famed killer. Features numerous photographs.
Graham, Gary - Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Graham, Gary - Case Study
Green, Norman E. - relates details of the case which sent him to prison, including expert testimony and witness statements.
Greer, Michelle - Memorial; plea for help.
Hatcher, Eddie - site of the Eddie Hatcher Defense Committee.
Hein, Brandon - does this 18 year old deserve life in prison without possibility of parole for being in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Ibrahim, Saad Eddin - discusses the case against the imprisoned professor and the status of democracy in Egypt. Also in Arabic.
Is Lisa Michelle Lambert Guilty?
Jeffries, Larry - seeks correspondence via his cousin. Includes his stories.
Jorge, Felix - Memorial; plea for help.
Justice for John Taft Campaign - seeks to highlight a miscarriage of justice. It is argued that John Taft was wrongfully convicted of murder and as a consequence is serving a life sentence in a British prison.
Lake, Marvin Terry - Memorial; plea for help.
Lankford, Mark - convicted of murder in Idaho in 1984.
Letourneau, Mary Kay - Official Homepage
Letourneau, Mary Kay - The Strange Case (Opinion)
Letourneau, Mary Kay - Suzanne's Take: A Social Commentary
Letourneau, Mary Kay - True Crimes
Letourneau, Mary Kay - Why Such a light Sentence
Lippert, Phillip - details the case and promotes his book.
Kellogg, Laurie Lee - Wrongfully Convicted.
Kinder, Brian - charged with murdering and raping an African-American woman in 1991.
King, Harold Stanley - Memorial; plea for help.
Kuenzel, Billy - currently on Alabama's death row.
Manning, Michael - a disabled African-American man was convicted when his attacker died of a stab wound from his own knife.
Martinez, Miguel Angel - includes background, news, gallery, mailing list, and more about the young Mexican-American prisoner.
Masters, Jarvis Jay - campaign to free African-American Buddhist writer serving at San Quentin.
Matchett, Farley C. - articles, essays, and information by and about the Texas death row inmate.
Maydak, Keith - story of coverup by AT&T and the United States Government.
McBrides, Michael L. - personal web page about his thoughts and experiences of Texas Death Row.
McKinney, Michael - young African-American man serving a life sentence in Florida.
Monroe, Beverly Ann - claims to be innocent of the 1992 murder of her boyfriend, Roger de la Burde.
Murray, Lacresha - information from People of the Heart, an organization working to free Murray, who at age 11 was convicted twice of causing the death of a two-year-old.
Murray, Lacresha - Free Lacresha Murray (UPDATE: Lacresha was FREED)
Payne, Randy Keith - Memorial; plea for help.
Peltier, Leonard - Free Peltier
Peltier, Leonard - Have You Thought of Leonard Peltier Lately?
Peltier, Leonard - Official Site
Peltier, Leonard - International Peltier Forum
Peltier, Leonard - International Peltier Forum Celebrity Signatories
Prewitt, Patricia - discusses the case in which she was convicted of killing her husband. Provides information for a campaign to earn her release.
Quintana, Jose - Memorial; plea for help.
Regardie, David - Memorial; plea for help.
Richey, Kenny: The Innocent Scot
Richey, Kenny - Official Site of the Kenny Richey Campaign
Rideau, Wilbert - after serving 40 years in the Louisiana State Penitentiary in Angola, the Calcasieu District Attorney is considering retrying him.
Robison, Larry Keith - sentenced to death and executed on January 21, 2000, despite pleas from around the world to spare his life.
Routier, Darlie - Official Site
Routier, Darlie - Is Guilty
Routier, Darlie - Is Innocent
Routier, Darlie - Forum
Tant, Buddy - Memorial - Plea for help
Tracy, David Mark - Memorial; Plea for help.
Tucker, Karla Faye Brown - Memorial
Tucker, Karla Faye Brown - Another Memorial
Tucker, Karla Faye Brown - Texas v. Karla Faye Tucker
Thompson, John - man who's life was altered by two unrelated crimes that took place in New Orleans.
Thompson, Tom - forum for loved ones to share stories and pictures. Contains links to Law Review docs, legal discussions and briefs, and dissenting testimony and court opinions.
Trentadue, Ken - Memorial; plea for help.
Valdes, Frank - Memorial; Plea for help.
Valent, Michael - Memorial; Plea for help.
Wakefield, Charles - Wrongfully Convicted Seeks Pro Bono Assistance
Weddell, James R. - serving time for getting caught in the crossfire of gang violence on his reservation in South Dakota.
Wille, Loren - site urges citizens to write to elected officials and bring a American aid worker home from Georgia, where he is being detained.
Workman, Philip - on Death Row in Tennessee
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